Preguntas con el Verbo to be (Yes/No Questions)

questions with verb to be

Bueno, explicamos un poquito sobre ellas en la Class II. Recuerda éstas solo necesitan un << Si o No>> como respuesta.


Yes/ No Questions - Singular

verb to be (am, is, are)  + Personal Pronoun + complement + ?
Am  + I + your real brother + ?
Are + you + angry + ?
Is + He + Mike + ?
Is + She  + beautiful + ?
Is + It + easy + ?

Yes/ No Questions - Plural

verb to be (am, is, are)  + Personal Pronoun + complement + ?
Are + we + near home + ?
Are + you + from England + ?
Are + they + happy + ?
Are + they + Louisa and Andrea + ?
Are + they + 10 years old + ?

You can answer them with short answers or long answers. Let's see the difference
Puedes responderlas con respuestas cortas o largas. Veamos la diferencia.


Personal Pronoun Verb to be Not Affirmative Answer Negative Answer
I am not Yes, I am. No, I'm not. -
you are not Yes, You are. No, you're not. No, You aren't.
He is not Yes, he is. No, he's not. No, He isn't.
She is not Yes, she is. No, she's not. No, She isn't.
It is not Yes, It is. No, it's not. No, It isn't.
We are not Yes, We are. No, we're not. No, We aren't.
you are not Yes, You are. No, you're not. No, You aren't.
They are not Yes, they are. No, they're not. No, They aren't.


Question:                            Are you a teacher?               
Affirmative Answer:          Yes, I am. 
Negative Answer:               No, I'm not.   -- 

Question:                            Is he happy?               
Affirmative Answer:          Yes, He is.
Negative Answer:               No, He's not.   --  No, He isn't

Si te fijas, en la afirmativa, sólo hay una forma posible, nunca se usan contracciones en respuestas cortas afirmativas.

En negativo se pueden utilizar dos formas diferentes, usando las contracciones. SIEMPRE usa contracciones con respuestas cortas negativas. Recuerda que formas una contracción cuando unes dos palabras, y se cambia una letra por apóstrofo.

Possible Contractions
  1. Personal Pronoun + to be           (He's not)
  2. to be + not                                  (He isn't)

    Aprende éste y otros temas con clases en vivo.


Well, to give a long answer you only have to add the complement used in the question.
Bueno, para dar una respuesta larga solo tienes que agregar el complemento usado en la pregunta. 

Por ejemplo:

Question:                               Are you Patrick?
Affirmative Answer:             Yes, I am Patrick, or Yes, I'm Patrick.

Si la respuesta fuera negativa, generalmente se agrega la respuesta correcta.

Negative Answer:                  No, I'm not Patrick, I'm Peter Paul.

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